Stand Up Paddle WA
powered by TidyHQTraining Pods
Training Pods
Pod Information
SUP in WA is a friendly community. Part of the enjoyment of SUP is doing with someone or a group. Through SUPWA, you have the opportunity to create a “mini SUP club” known as a pod to organise paddling sessions and compete in SUPWA events.
A Pod is the collective noun for a group of dolphins. They form pods to hunt and play together, sometimes teaming with other pods to create “super pods”. Dolphin pods are welcoming of newcomers, which is why the term pod is a great fit for the WA SUP community. SUPWA pods are a group of paddlers, that arrange to meet and a pre-arranged location and time to paddle together. There are several pods in Perth and in regional areas.
A Pod can do what they like however SUPWA strongly recommend safety be considered at all times and newcomers should buddy up with an experienced paddler. Most pods involve racing training, some are surf or downwind oriented, some are simply a gentle cruise. It’s an opportunity to get like-minded paddlers together to enjoy SUP. There is a fantastic series of events run by SUPWA and all participants are encouraged to nominate a pod that they will compete for. Pods use the SUPWA Facebook page to update pod training sessions.
SUPWA Training Pods:
The best way to stay up to date with what Pod Training is going on when and where is through SUPWA’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/StandUpPaddleWA
Team #BLS
Trains mostly in Claremont, East Perth(Brown Street) and Ascot Kayak Club(On Sundays)
Captain: Darren Pratt
Margaret River Pod
Captains: Craig Fischer and Narelle Kuppers
SUP Tonic
Trains from Garvey Park (Ascot)
Captain: Maree Martin M: 0499 973 995
Perth SUP School Community
Trains mostly from Freshwater Bay, Peppermint Grove
Captain: Nicki Jones M: 0430 441 600
If you are a SUPWA member, simply email the SUPWA with the following details:
Pods require 2 Pod contacts + Mobile numbers (or email) (both full SUPWA members) to form a pod.
Let us know the name of the pod (anything you like, but remember it will feature on the SUPWA webpage – so keep it clean!).
The primary location you will paddle from and the type of Pod you are forming – racing, downwinding, surfing, cruising?
* Corporate Sponsors can name their Pod after their business. Businesses should be aware that a Pod is not a paddle school.
A Pod is a paddling group that can participate in the SUPWA Pod League under their pod name.
Have fun!